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If you change your mind about a purchase you’ve made at labottegadicasa.com, you may return the merchandise within fourteen (14) days of receipt.

If you’d like to exercise your right to return an item to our store, it is necessary to notify the seller in writing via registered letter, acknowledging receipt of the goods. You may return merchandise to us at no additional cost, other than the cost of shipping the item back to our warehouse. The right to return a product is forfeited if:

  • The merchandise is not returned in its original packaging.
  • Parts are missing.
  • There is damage to the product that is not related to its shipping or transport.
  • Sealed products have been opened.

If you have made a purchase on this website that you wish to return, please follow the return procedure, detailed below.
Within 14 business days of receiving the merchandise you ordered, please notify us of your intent to return the item by email at info@labottegadicasa.com and then send a registered letter acknowledging the receipt of the merchandise to the following address:

Corte del Meda, 30
31053 Pieve di Soligo (TV) 

Using the courier of your choice, return the product in its original packaging, complete with all accessories, instruction manuals, and original components.
The shipment should be insured against theft and damage, and all shipping costs must be paid by the sender. If the product has not been insured for the value indicated on the invoice, in the case of damage or loss during transport BDC ITALIA SRL reserves the right to charge for the damages by withholding a portion or all of the amount to be reimbursed.

Indicate the order number and send the returned merchandise to the following address:

Corte del Meda, 30
31053 Pieve di Soligo (TV)

Once we receive the merchandise and verify that it has been returned in the same condition it was sent to you, we will refund your money using the same payment method you used to make the purchase, within 10 business days.

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